Scottsdale AZ to Las Cruces NM
Drive time: 6 hours
Distance: 400 miles
Total Miles: 882.5
MPG: 18.6
Brake light status: off
Do you know what’s between Scottsdale and Las Cruces? No? Neither did I! (Though Steve did!) As it turns out, Tombstone and the OK Corral are close to the route, so we didn’t go directly from Scottsdale to Las Cruces. 🙂
For those unfamiliar with the incident at the OK Corral (from the Guide Map & Brochure): The gunfight was the result of altercations between the famous Wyatt Earp, his brothers Virgil, Morgan, and their friend Doc Holiday, against a group of malcontents referred to as “The Cowboys,” consisting of Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury, Ike Clanton, and Billy Clanton. The location of their gunfight was the famous O.K. Corral on October 26, 1881. It began in the 18-foot wide lot behind the Corral next to C.S. Fly’s Boarding House and Photo Studio. This inevitable showdown over control of Tombstone climaxed months of threats, romantic rivalries, stage robberies, pistol whippings, and arrests.
And what a perfect day to visit Tombstone – 106 degrees, very few people about and a blazing Arizona sun. Naturally the first place we went looking for was the OK Corral. $20 got us both in to the exhibit and show – and it was well worth it. While I’m sure that in normal times there would have been more people there, Steve and I got to explore the small, but well done exhibit and take photos to our heart’s content. AND THEN THE SHOW!

There were a few patrons who trickled in close to the start time for the last show of the afternoon (3:00) and filled the covered bleachers. And we waited for the performance to begin. Our MC for the performance was Doc Holiday, who familiarized the crowd with the history and ended his speech with a rousing cheer.
DOC HOLIDAY (to the crowd): “So, are you all ready to see some people get killed?”
CROWD: Roaring applause and cheers!!!
DOC HOLIDAY: “You are one bunch of sick people.”
Hmmmm…. Somewhere the gods of the Roman Coliseum are looking at us with smug faces. “Not so much more civilized after all, are you now?”
The actor who played Holliday did a fabulous job. (He was my favorite! Look at those boots!) The Earp brothers took out the cowboy gang in a highly entertaining 30-minute, interactive show which did end with the already mentioned shootout and results. Brawner Review Services gives it a 10/10; would recommend.
The rest of Tombstone was also full of entertaining shops, characters, and history. It was obviously the off season, so it wasn’t packed but we didn’t explore all of it. What we did see was a ton of fun. There were character actors everywhere, regularly scheduled stage coach rides, and the hot, dusty stillness associated with the old west. Oh, and careful where you step, pardner… them horses are real.

“Old Tuscon” movie set and museum…where they filmed classic westerns back in day..really cool place